Boiler is a closed vessel in which steam is generated for use external to itself but does not include a pressure vessel, if,
Yes. As per section 7 of Boilers Act – 1923 it is mandatory to get the boiler registered.
Inspecting Authority of manufacturing State issues drawings and certificates (Form-II, III, IV-A & III-C) of boilers. Application for registration of boiler alongwith above documents, fee for registration through challan & ownership undertaking are to be submitted to Boiler Inspectorate. In case of big boilers requiring assembly & welding at site, details of appropriate class of boiler erector with consent letter & technical capability is also to be submitted. Boiler Inspectorate shall carryout inspection & necessary tests within 30 days from the date of receipt of application & shall permit use of boiler from the date of inspection.
Certificate of boiler is issued for a period of one year from the date of inspection after carrying out inspection/tests prescribed as per technical standards laid down in Indian Boiler Regulations – 1950 (IBR – 1950).
Section 6(c) of Boilers Act – 1923 prohibits use of a boiler after expiry of validity of its certificate. Hence, it is mandatory to get the boiler inspected after expiry of validity period. If plant is forced shutdown due to other reasons, inspection of boiler can be arranged during the period of shutdown; i.e. before the validity of the certificate so that boiler may not be stopped again for annual inspection.
As per provision of section 8(4) of the Boilers Act – 1923 Boiler Inspectorate has to carry out inspection within 15 days from the date of receipt of application. If Boiler Inspectorate does not carry out inspection then owner of boiler is entitled to use the boiler as per section 10(1) of the Act.
A valid certificate is mandatory for use of a boiler. If boiler is not to be use in future after expiry of validity, then annual inspection of boiler is not necessary. It is desirable to intimate to Boiler Inspectorate for not using the boiler in future.
Unserviceable boiler has to be cut into pieces & scrapped so that same can not be illegally used. Such scrapped boiler should be offered for physical inspection so that its registration may be cancelled & all States may be intimated.
A boiler with valid certificate can not be used under following circumstances:-
As per provision of section 18 of the Act, intimation of accident with full details must be submitted within 24 hours to Boiler Inspectorate & damaged boiler should not be used. Boiler Inspectorate shall carry out investigation & shall propose necessary repairs. After carrying out suggested repairs, inspection & necessary tests of boiler shall be carried out and boiler shall be permitted for further use.
“Steam pipe” means any pipe through which steam passes if
Prior approval for drawing of steam pipe line is compulsory. As per requirement of service conditions (steam pressure & temperature), the design of pipe line & its material specification, gradient, drainage, support, arrangement of isolation for safety and capacity of safety valves etc. are checked as per technical standards prescribed in IBR-1950. Thus, the safety of pipe line is ensured so that it may not explode during use.